Thursday, December 18, 2014

4b)Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected?
 Im most interested in my topic because I feel as though its an on going issue that has many different people have an opinion on. The people who are intrested in my topic are in the social media and government aspects. I feel as though so many people have their opinion on it and are entitled to voice their opinion.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


  1. Should new religious movements be allowed to proselytize on college campuses? New religious movements should be brought up to the college boards and explained and seen if they are safe and able to do around other people and their religions.
  2. What impact are new religious movements having on mainstream religions? The new religions are having trouble with the mainstream religion because the new religions are going against some of their teachings and causing more problems in the communitites. 
  3. Do new religious movements pose a threat to society? New religious movements do cause some threat to society because they are seen as a threat and are pushing the old beliefs of the main stream religions.
  4. What does the emergence of so many new religious movements say about our society? New religious movements have somethings to do with their society because theyre showing that the society is growing and accepting new beliefs.
  5. What is the cultural significance of new religious movements? The cultural significance is that theyre now accepting new beliefs and changing their society around it.

Minimum wage

  1. What is a "living wage standard"? The living standard is the average amount of income needed to live comfortably in a current area.
  2. How is the current minimum wage different from a living wage standard? The current minimum wage is different because its lower then the living wage standard.
  3. Who would have the most to lose in a change from the current minimum wage to a living wage standard? The ones losing more from the minimum wage would be the companies and the people who hire the employees. 


  1. What are the safest ways to lose weight?
  2.  The safest way to lose weight is to eat the right foods and work out.
  3. What are some possible health effects of a low-carbohydrate, high protein diet? Some side effects can be gaining weight and have some problems digesting current foods.
  4. What are the long-term effects of a low-carbohydrate, high protein diet in keeping off the weight? You can have interal damage.
  5. Are diets such as the Grapefruit Diet or the Cookie Diet an effective way to lose weight? Why or why not? Both diets are not effective because they dont help you lose weight the right way. 

Marijuna legalization

  1. Where does marijuana come from? Marijuana comes from a plant.
  2. List three side-effects of marijuana use. Hunger, halustionation, dry mouth
  3. If marijuana were legalized, what government agency should be charged with its regulation? Law enforcement 


  1. Should abortion continue to be legal as stipulated by Roe v. Wade? Why or why not? Abortion shouldnt be legal as stipulated by Roe vs Wade. The issue in the court case was different from other situations that may be brought up.
  2. What are the medical implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act? The medical implications are that the women her self may be at risk when carrying the child making the abortion situation more likely.
  3. Are there any situations in which abortions should be declared illegal or be severely restricted? Abortion is severally restricted in the church and is seen as a sin. 
  4. Which side in the debate has been more successful in making their case on the issue of abortion and why? The side pro abortion has been winning because so many people feel that it is the womens decision to say what happens to their body.
  5. Based upon your understanding of the core beliefs and principles of the major camps in this discussion, is compromise possible? Why or why not? Compromise is not possible because so many believe that the women should have the decision and that theres no way that it should be forced onto them.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

3)-Abortion is an interesting topic to me because there have been so many cases about it over the years. Its an on going topic in the world and will forever be on the boarder line of politics.
   Some cases against this is that so many people believe its wrong and ties into religion and should'nt be done. Others believe that it should be women's right and be left up to their decision. Now that it has become legal many still try to fight it and make it that it should'nt have been legal from the beginning.
-Marijuna legalization is something that I believe needs to happen only for medical use because I have seen how it can help people. I have a close friend who needed to move from Florida to Colorado because it was legal there.
   Many people believe that marijuna legalized will lead to people doing more and more drugs. They believe that children will become addicted and then they would start to do more and more drugs. The states can decide if they want it to become legal or not. There are some groups who think that the states should'nt decide that they could make the wrong decision and that federal government should decide.
-Nutrition is important because so many people dont do the the right thing for their body. Everyone needs to know the healthy things to do for their body.
  So many people live unhealthy lifestyles that they continue to do and dont make good decisions for their body along with their families. More and more people are trying to push for healthy foods but they are alot more expensive and harder to stay with. Alot of groups try teaching people about healthy foods that are less and easy to stick with.
-Minimum wage is an on going topic for many people because it brings them in more income. I work and make minimum wage which is good for me now because it helps me save.
  New York raised their minimum wage because the living cost in the state is alot higher then in other states. The employees now make more and have more income. The down fall is that employers have to now provide their employees with higher income along with health benefits which puts them more in the hole.
-Religion is important to me because im someone how believes in curtain things and i have seen how far many people have gone to protect it and defend it. There are many groups who try and fight religion and try to stop it in many was.
  Religion has been an on going issue in the world because of how many different beliefs there are in the world and how many people try to push what they want onto other people. The more religions there are the more problems that occur. Many people believe that religion should stay in politics and be what they follow. Others feel that it should stay out and not be pushed because its not what others believe.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

4) Cases that can be made for and against a group of people who are racist are the 1950s-60s segregation that was on going in the south. There have been many cases that have occurred due to racism among african americans and whites. People who have tried to make changes in this time period have had to deal with the court cases and the people who were against there efforts to make a change. The schools education systems went through some of the harshest cases, african americans were trying to gain better education but the states would not allow them to mix with the white schools and the white students. When the groups tried to make changes the white communities would force them to back down and not finish what they wanted to finish. As time went by more and more groups got involved and tried to make more changes and push for fairness.

People who lie and cheat to each other can be a negative aspect for society. These people cause others to have lower self esteem and cause them to feel worse about them selves. A positive aspect is that these people who are abused by others tend to be stronger individuals. These people are then more likely to be stronger for society.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

4a)What have we been studying in class this year?
  In class we have been studying domain names and other useful was to use the internet and have better knowledge on it.
Which subjects appeal to me?  The subjects that most appeal to me are english and economics.
What are people writing about?  People are writing about large problems in the world such as abortion, religion, and politics.
What's most interesting to me? The most interesting to me is politics because so many people have different opinions on the whats going on in government and what needs to be done to change whats going on.
Can I find information about that?  I can find information about it in any newspaper or online regarding politics or anything going on in the media such as the president and other things.